Live Tweeting Curation 2

Learning the skill of live-tweeting has actually been quite interesting. During my first blog post the ‘live tweeting curation 1‘ I talked about how I was struggling with finding content to post during the weekly screenings – especially since I hadn’t seen the movies before. To overcome this I started to research the screenings early before the class started. This definitely helped and I found myself being able to understand the viewings better. The movies from week 6-12 were very hit of miss for me.

Week 6: Ghost in the Shell (1995)
I’ll be honest, Anime isn’t the genre for me. I had no idea what was going on throughout this film. I struggled to understand the characters, the storyline and the message of the film. For my tweets this week I focused on more content based tweets, with the aim to help myself (and others who were just as confused) attempt to understand what was going on.

I tried to engage in conversation with my peers and even one of my posts created a conversation! Exciting. I found it interesting to see my peers attempt to understand this film and share their thoughts/opinions on what was going on.

Week 7: The Matrix (1999) 
This film made me think and question everything about the world we are living in now. Due to this I found it simple to tweet/share my thoughts and engage with my peers. I have heard from others that this is a must see movie – and I agree! I will be recommending this film to others. This is a film that required the attention of the viewer.

My tweet that gained the most interaction from my peers this week was a comparison of Charles Boyle from Brooklyn Nine Nine to the characters seen throughout The Matrix. – Personally I found it really funny.
Other tweets that gained traction this week were in regards to where abouts in Sydney The Matrix was filmed, this information I found really interesting! How cool is it that a popular movie was filmed here.

Week 8: Robot and Frank (2012)
This was such a beautiful movie that I really really enjoyed. It explored a great story between an older man and his new robot companion; designed to help him with daily tasks.
This week I used polls and peer interactions to explore the themes explored in this film. This has been the most successful week for tweeting that I have had so far!

Yet another movie that I found so easy to tweet about because I was genuinely interested in it. Due to this, I was able to connect better with my peers. I was interesting to research the future potential use of robots in aged care. I was able to use a combination of polls and chatting to my peers to future engage with the weekly viewings.

Week 9: Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
This movie started off holding my attention but went for farrrrr tooo longgg and I ended up zoning out.
Overall this was a pretty cool movie, especially visually. Was very great that we were able to watch both movies in the Blade Runner franchise, although no.1 was better in my opinion.

My tweets this week were mainly content based, but also were able to spark conversation with my peers, mainly just Ben. Really did enjoy the interactions that I had with him. My peers tweets this week were also very helpful in understanding what was going on within the film.

Week 10: Ready Player One (2018)
This movie was amazing. I absolutely loved it. The nostalgia, visual imagery, storyline and characters all combined for a movie that held my attention from start to finish. I do agree with my peers that the ending seemed lame and kinda rushed.

This week I used polls and engaging in conversation with my peers to gain a further understanding about what was happening in the film. I also tweeted about themes and the movies predictions for the future.
I found myself not tweeting as much- as the film had me completely consumed and I didn’t want to stop watching.

Week 11: Alita Battle Angel (2019)
Yet again, another movie I did not connect with. It failed to hold my attention and the story line didn’t have any substance for me. On the other hand the film was visually impressive, especially the use of CGI in regards to Alita.
This week I mainly tweeted about film content and retweeting the work of my peers. I found it hard to tweet about the film itself, as I wasn’t interested in what was happening.

Again, Ben and I were vibing. This wasn’t a movie that either of us enjoyed. We connected yet again through our dislike for a film.

Week 12: 2040 (2019)
For our final week we ended it with a documentary, where the director was concerned about what the future would look like for his daughter. This was such a refreshing note to end on for this semester. This viewing was full of  data, facts and ways to change for the future.

I really was unsure what to do about tweeting this week. I was just focused on what was happening on screen, especially since it was real life.
I did connect with Aliah on the future of self driving cars where I was able to provide her with an article on Dominos in the US, already trying this technology.

Overall this was such an interesting skill to learn. One thing I found fascinating was how using the #BCM325 would get us trending on Twitter each week.

This would often result in those outside of the BCM325 community engaging in our conversations and adding their opinions. Learning the skill of live tweeting has been one that took a few weeks to get the hang of. But being able to analyse ideas, communicate with my peers in real time and be able to multitask are all important skills to have. Since this semester was moved online, being able to communicate with my peers each week was so important in my opinion.
Thank you everyone for a great semester!!

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